Add a Portable Kiosk to Your Display
A trade show display can have a lot of added elements that can make it unique. You certainly want to make your mark with a display that is colorful and bright and that stands out in a crowd, but it’s not enough to just have a great display sometimes. What you may need is an interactive element to your display that can make a difference in drawing attention to your booth and keeping it. A Portable Kiosk can involve several different things in a trade show exhibit. A kiosk can be an additional display, literature, or monitor stand that allows visitors to take materials with them. Where you can make a real impact is when the kiosk includes an interactive element. It can be something as simple as providing visitors with the technology that they need to simply place an order while they are at the show. However, you can also make this a more interactive educational experience with multi-media elements such as video or polls and quizzes that help to give you customer insights. ...